Food and Beverages
Nowadays, educational institutions, including VET providers, universities, colleges, and schools, have begun to implement international standards in order to improve the quality of service they provide to their customers and to comply with regulatory requirements. The implementation of Management Systems in accordance with International ISO Standards can assist educational institutions in meeting these growing requirements and expectations in the areas of Quality, Environmental Management, Information Security, Business Continuity, and Health and Safety.
Certification can assist you in meeting and exceeding these requirements, enhancing the trust of authorities and customers, as well as the organization’s reputation.
CyCert has over two decades of experience in the field of training and can assist with ISO and other standard certifications and training.
Depending on the nature of your organisation, any or a combination of several standards may apply, and CyCert may offer certifications in the following areas:
- ISO 9001 Certification – International Standard for Quality Management Systems
- ISO 21001 Certification – Management Systems for Educational Organisations
- ISO 29993 Certification – Learning Services outside formal education – Service requirements
- Training Programs
- STEAM Schools
- Certification of Persons
- ISO 14001 Certification – International Standard for Environmental Management Systems
- Regulation EMAS 1221/2009 – Ecological Management and Audit System
- ISO 45001 Certification – International Standard for Health and Safety Management Systems
- ISO/IEC 27001 Certification – International Standard for Information Security Management Systems
- ISO/IEC 27701 Certification – International Standard for Privacy Information Security Management Systems
- ISO 22301 Certification – International Standard for Business Continuity Management Systems
- ISO 37001 Certification – International Standard for Anti-Bribery Management Systems
- IQNET SR10 Certification – Specification for Social Responsibility Management Systems
- ISO 41001 Certification – International Standard for Facility Management Systems
- ISO 50001 Certification – International Standard for Energy Management Systems
- Lifts Inspections
- LPG Installation Inspections
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions
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Get your Management Systems Certification, TODAY!
CyCert is a pioneer in the certification of Management Systems. Its well-trained and experienced team of inspectors offers evaluation services, which are proven to add real value to organizations.