Who we are

The Cyprus Certification Company (CyCert) is an accredited Certification Body established in 2002 as a private limited liability company, with the Cyprus Organisation of Standardisation being its sole shareholder through the Ministry of Finance. It is governed by a seven-member Board representing the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry, and the private sector (Cyprus Employers and Industrialist Federation (OEB), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), the Technical Chamber (ETEK), the Consumers Association, and academia).

Today, the Cyprus Certification Company is the most dynamic accredited certification body in Cyprus. It promotes certification as a means of assisting businesses in improving their competitiveness for the benefit of their customers, employees, collaborators, and the community at large.


CyCert Establishment
CyCert Accreditation by Hellenic Accreditation System for CYS EN ISO/IEC 17021
CyCert is approved as notified body
CyCert Accreditation by Hellenic Accreditation System for 1221/2009 (EMAS)
Expansion of CyCert in Greece
IQNet Partner
CyCert is approved as Lift Inspector by the Department of Labour Inspection
CyCert Accreditation by Hellenic Accreditation System for CYS EN ISO/IEC 17020
CyCert is approved as Vocational Training Center
Expansion in Middle East
Expansion in Italy
Expansion in Egypt
CyCert is certified on Sound Industrial Relations by OEB
Approved as LPG Inspector by the Department of Labor Inspection
CyCert Accreditation by Hellenic Accreditation System for CYS EN ISO/IEC 17024

Accreditation and Approvals

CyCert as the leading Cyprus Certification Body holds several accreditations. CyCert is accredited by the Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD) and the Cyprus Organization for the Promotion of Quality (Cyprus Accreditation Body – CYSAB). Specifically, CyCert is accredited by ESYD, in line with CYS EN ISO/IEC 17021 as a Management Systems Certification Body, CYS EN ISO/IEC 17020 as an Inspection Body, CYS EN ISO/IEC 17024 as a Persons Certification Body and Regulation 1221/2009 (EMAS) as an Environmental Verifier. It is also accredited by CYSAB in line with CYS EN ISO/IEC 17065 as a Product Certification Body. Additionally, CyCert has the following approvals:
  • Notified Body (no. 2010) by the Cyprus Ministry of Interior according to Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 – Construction Products
  • Authorized Lift Inspector, approved by the Department of Labour Inspection
  • Authorized LPG Inspector by the Department of Labour Inspection
  • Approved Vocational Training Center (Cert.No.232)  by the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus.

IQNET Membership

IQNET Association is an international certification network of conformity assessment bodies with a legal seat in Switzerland. Its member organisations around the world are selected based on their knowledge of their respective national markets, contribution to promoting quality and conformity among their stakeholders, maintenance of international accreditations, and commitment to abide by IQNET agreements regarding worldwide business cooperation and regular peer evaluation.

CyCert is the IQNET Partner in Cyprus since 2010.  

Organisations certified by CyCert receive an IQNET certificate, an exclusive tool which allows them to confidently compete in the global market through recognition extended by IQNET Partners located almost anywhere around the world.  A list of countries could be found here. (https://www.iqnet-certification.com/en/about-us/finding-us).

Organisations certified by CyCert are guaranteed credible, reliable, and verifiable conformity assessment activities as supported by the business advantages only IQNET can provide.

Geo Network

CyCert recognizes that its employees are the key to achieving its objectives. CyCert is motivated by noble principles and relies on trained and experienced professionals in order to provide trustworthy services that are highly praised around the Globe.

The primary objective of CyCert inspectors and auditors is to assist organisations in enhancing their competitiveness by providing auditing services that add genuine value to their products and services.

Our Team

At Cyprus Certification Company we are proud to have a diverse and experienced team dedicated to providing the highest standard of certification services. 

Our professionals come from various backgrounds, bringing together a wealth of expertise in different industries, certification standards and frameworks, and certification processes.

 Together, we work collaboratively to ensure that our customers receive comprehensive, reliable, and efficient solutions to upgrade their products and services.


Get your Management Systems Certification, TODAY!

CyCert is a pioneer in the certification of Management Systems. Its well-trained and experienced team of inspectors offers evaluation services, which are proven to add real value to organizations.