Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Climate change is one of the most serious problems humanity faces. The Kyoto Protocol includes tools for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions, including verification of carbon footprint and carbon trading.
CyCert, in collaboration with an Accredited Verification Body, verifies greenhouse gas emissions from organisations who are obligated to submit to the Competent Authority a verified report of greenhouse gas emissions from their facilities for the previous year and from organisations that wish to monitor their greenhouse gas emissions with the intention of reducing them.
1. EU Emissions Trading System verifications
The EU emissions trading system (EU ETS) is the European Union’s primary policy instrument for combating climate change and its primary tool for cost-effectively lowering industrial greenhouse gas emissions.
EU ETS is the world’s first and largest international system for trading greenhouse gas emission allowances, including over 11,000 power plants and industrial facilities in 31 countries, as well as airlines.
Industrial installations connected to the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) are expected to have an approved monitoring plan describing how they will monitor and report their annual emissions. In the case of industrial installations, the monitoring plan is also required as part of the approved permit.
Each year, the data in the annual emissions report must be validated by a certified verifier prior to 31 March. Operators must forfeit the equivalent number of allowances by 30 April of the following year after verification. Common monitoring and reporting rules, as well as the accreditation of verifiers and the verification of annual emissions reports, are critical for assuring the quality and reliability of annual emissions reports.
Each organisation must surrender enough allowances to cover all its emissions at the end of each year or face heavy fines. If the organisation cuts its emissions, it can either keep the excess allowances for future use or sell them to another business that is short of allowances. The flexibility that trading provides ensures that emissions are reduced at the lowest possible cost.
This annual monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) process, as well as other processes associated with these activities, is known to as the EU ETS’s “compliance cycle.”
2. Carbon Footprint – ISO 14064
All organizations which are not subject to mandatory or regulated schemes such as the EU Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and wish to monitor and report their GHG emissions, collectively referred to as their carbon footprint.
ISO 14064 is a series of standards developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO) that gives governments, enterprises, regions, and other Organisations with an integrated set of tools for voluntary initiatives focused on monitoring, quantifying, and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. The series of standards are the following:
- ISO 14064-1: Greenhouse gases — Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals.
- ISO 14064-2: Greenhouse gases — Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements.
- ISO 14064-3: Greenhouse gases — Part 3: Specification with guidance for the verification and validation of greenhouse gas statements.
These standards enable organisations to meet advanced CSR obligations and participate in international emissions trading schemes while adhering to an internationally recognized standard.
CyCert in collaboration with an accredited Verification Body, conducts independent and impartial validation and verification audits to verify an organization’s greenhouse gas emissions and reductions in accordance with Standard ISO 14064. –
Interested Organisations
ISO 14064 verification applies to any organisation that wishes to monitor and report their GHG emissions, collectively referred to as their carbon footprint.
Verification Process / Quotation
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