ISO 18295-1
Certification of Customer Contact Centers
Customer Contact Centers play a critical role in the delivery of services between an organization and its customers. In many cases, these Centers do not always meet the expectations of their customers
Some of the reasons why an Organization decides on the adoption
and implementation of a Certification of Customer Contact Centers are the following:
What is ISO 18295-1
Customer Contact Centers (CyCert) play a critical role in the delivery of services between an organization and its customers. In many cases, these Centers do not always meet the expectations of their customers (eg long waiting times, inability to answer questions quickly and effectively, and impersonal treatment). They vary in terms of service quality and consumer protection, and they operate under a variety of standards and performance levels.
The International Standard ISO 18295-1 specifies requirements and provides guidance for in-house and/or outsourced Contact Centers. Its main goal is to provide quality requirements for Customer Contact Center services that are common to all centers, regardless of service sector, technical approach to service provision, or service provider.
The International Standard ISO 18295-1 comprises of two parts: Part I applies to the Customer Contact Center and Part 2 applies to the Client Organisation using the services of a Customer Contact Centre. The standards are designed in such a way that their implementation benefit both the Client Organization and the CyCert, as well as the consumers who use their services.
Certification of Customer Contact Centers bears the following benefits:
- the enhancement of customer service quality, which can provide the organization with a competitive advantage and reduce customer complaints
- clarify customers' and employees' expectations
- cost reduction through improved procedures and a better understanding of customer service, while maintaining service quality and efficiency
- improved employee retention through a better understanding and evaluation of staff contributions to customer service
- the satisfaction of customers.
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