Medical Institutions and Hospital Accreditation
Medical Institutions and Hospital Accreditation
Hospital accreditation has been defined as “A self-assessment and external peer assessment process used by health care organizations to accurately assess their level of performance in relation to established standards and to implement ways to continuously improve”.
Some of the reasons why an Organization decides on the adoption
and implementation of a Medical Institutions and Hospital Accreditation are the following:
What is Medical Institutions and Hospital Accreditation
Hospital accreditation has been defined as “A self-assessment and external peer assessment process used by health care organizations to accurately assess their level of performance in relation to established standards and to implement ways to continuously improve”.
In effect, reference to accreditation in the healthcare industry, refers to the official review process that allows organisations to demonstrate their ability to meet official regulatory requirements and standards. The implementation of accreditation schemes intent to prove that a healthcare organization’s management results in a higher level of performance and a greater focus on patient care.
CyCert in collaboration with the CHKS Assurance and Accreditation Organization undertakes programmes of quality assurance and quality improvement for health and social care providers in the public and independent health care sectors. CHKS was founded in 1989 and developed the UK’s first hospital benchmarking service providing accreditations both in the UK and internationally.
The CHKS Accreditation Programmes have been developed for hospitals, mental health services, primary and community healthcare services, care homes and hospices. Accreditation services are provided through working with the appropriate standards from the CHKS Accreditation Programme, which comprises guided implementation, support and an external assessment process. The CHKS standards are accredited by ISQUA and CHKS itself is accredited by the International Society for Quality in Health Care External Evaluation Association (IEEA). The accreditation demonstrates that CHKS meets the international best practice requirements for a health care accreditation programme.
There are several important reasons why a healthcare establishment would decide on the adoption and implementation of Accreditation Scheme:
- To establish and maintain a culture of continuous quality improvement
- To encourage leadership and motivation in the delivery of excellent high-quality care
- To encourage clients to involve their staff at all levels to achieve safer, effective and high-quality services for patients / service users
- To model the culture and behaviours that support improvement
- To provide proof of credible and independent recognition of the commitment to quality improvement for patients, Board and external regulators
Interested Organizations
The requirements of the CHKS accreditation program can be implemented in all types of healthcare establishments.
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