Any organisation may apply to CyCert for the certification of its Products against the requirements of an International / European / National Standard. Certification is granted in accordance with the methodologies specified in the applicable product certification scheme, which include type testing on samples of the certified product and audits / inspections of the manufacturer’s quality system, followed by periodic surveillance via audits / inspections and tests on samples selected from the manufacturing site or market.
The main stages of the Certification Process are described in the following diagram.

To initiate the certification process, the applicant must submit an application form to CyCert, along with the set of documentation specified in the applicable certification scheme.
The following stages must be followed in order to issue and grant the relevant certificate and licence for the use of the Mark:
- Initial type tests on product samples;
- Audit / inspection.
- The Certification Committee makes the certification decision based on the results of initial type tests and audit / inspection results review. If the decision is favourable, the certificate will be issued and the applicant will sign a certification agreement. Certificates issued for the certification of products are valid for 3 (three) years.
Activities of surveillance
Products for which the Mark has been granted, shall be subject to surveillance actions to ensure that the initial conditions that led to certification continue to exist.
These surveillance actions include audits/inspections, sample collection from the manufacturing site and/or the market, and product testing. The frequency and methodology to be followed vary according to the applicable certification scheme.
The Certification Committee of CyCert makes the decision to maintain (or not maintain) certification based on the results of tests and audit / inspection surveillance.
CyCert Mark for certified products
The mark must be applied in accordance with the specific rules and in a visible location, either directly on the certified product or on its packaging.
CE-Making for Construction Products
CyCert is a Notified Body under the Construction Products Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 (CPR) to perform the assessment and verification of constancy of performance for various standards and products. CyCert evaluates and verifies the consistency of performance in accordance with the methods specified in systems 1+ and 2+. (depending on the requirements of the relevant harmonised standard). These systems and their associated responsibilities are as follows:
System 1+ – Declaration of the performance of the essential characteristics of the construction product by the manufacturer on the basis of the following items:
- the manufacturer shall carry out:
- factory production control;
- further testing of samples taken at the factory in accordance with the prescribed test plan;
- the notified product certification body (CyCert) shall issue the certificate of constancy of performance of the product on the basis of:
- determination of the product-type on the basis of type testing (including sampling), type calculation, tabulated values or descriptive documentation of the product;
- initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of factory production control;
- continuous surveillance, assessment and evaluation of factory production control;
- audit-testing of samples taken before placing the product on the market.
System 2+ – Declaration of the performance of the essential characteristics of the construction product by the manufacturer on the basis of the following items:
- the manufacturer shall carry out:
- determination of the product-type on the basis of type testing (including sampling), type calculation, tabulated values or descriptive documentation of the product;
- factory production control;
- testing of samples taken at the factory in accordance with the prescribed test plan;
- the notified production control certification body (CyCert) shall issue the certificate of conformity of the factory production control on the basis of:
- initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of factory production control;
- continuous surveillance, assessment and evaluation of factory production control.
The main stages of the Certification Process are described in the following diagram.