Suspensions & withdrawals
CyCert’s policy regarding suspensions/revocations is that it can proceed to the suspension and/or revocation of awarded certificates whenever deemed necessary. The decision to suspend or revoke the certificates is made by the Certification Committee following the recommendation of the Directorate of the Organization. When examining issues relating to suspensions/revocations, the Certification Committee may set up special committees to provide technical advisory services.
Indicatively, the following revocation – suspension reasons are listed:
- significant changes to the applicable Management System/Product/ Service for which CyCert has not been notified
- non-removal of major non-compliances within the specified time frame
- misleading use of the certificate/logos of CyCert
- misleading and/or false information by the representatives of the client to the audit team during the audit
- non-fulfilment of the client’s financial obligations to CyCert regarding the certification procedure
- bankruptcy of the company
- failure to comply with the client’s obligations under applicable CyCert’s Regulations e.g. preventing surveillance and recertification audits at the required frequencies
- client’s request to discontinue the use of the awarded certificate
- deviations from legal obligations in sites outside the certification scope that affect the effective application of the Management System
The suspension of the certificate is announced in writing by CyCert to the client, and the necessary terms/corrective actions for its removal are defined. Throughout the suspension period, any use of the certificate is forbidden to the client. When the predefined terms are met, the suspension is lifted, and the client is notified in writing by CyCert.
If the measures taken are not found satisfactory, CyCert may provide a new deadline of up to 30 days to proceed to corrective actions before the final Withdrawal of the Certification. If satisfactory corrective actions are not applied, the withdrawal of the certificate and the deletion of the client from the List of Certified Companies will be made. The final withdrawal is communicated to the client in writing. In this case, the organization is obliged to return to CyCert all the original Certificates and Certification Logos that were awarded to it.
CyCert announces the withdrawal to the general public by publishing the list on its website.